Thursday, April 23, 2009

Whats good every one im Jimi LEe im from Winston-Salem NC ,Im a student at UNC Charlotte and a graphic designer . I started Truth Life Revolution (TLR) in 2008 at Elizabeth City State my freshman year with three other friends. TLR is my mark on the world it was started as a Clothing line but is now my official stamp to let people know its my work. I hope to bring other people with me in TLR to show off different arts and music i want to show people the truth about how i see the world and give people a taste of my style i also want to start a revolution in art and in culture and just let others in music and art bring out there own styles.

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truth |troōθ|life |līf|noun ( pl. lives |līvz|)noun ( pl. truths |troōðz; troōθs|)the quality or state of being truelife |līf|noun ( pl. lives |līvz|)the period between the birth and death of a living thing, esp. a human beingrevolution |ˌrevəˈloō sh ən|nouna forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a newsystem